CSE Department Programmes

“Challenging today, reinventing tomorrow”

The department of Computing and Technology at Uganda Christian University  provides training in five undergraduate programs and three postgraduate programs available. All programs offered are accredited by the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) in Uganda.

The undergraduate offerings consist of a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, a Bachelor of Science in Data Science & Analytics, a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, a Bachelor of Science in Electronics & Communication Science, and a Diploma in Information Technology. The postgraduate options include a Master of Science in Computer Science, a Master of Science in Data Science and Analytics, and a Master of Information Technology.

Our undergraduate programs incorporate hands-on workshop practice and industry internships during breaks between semesters. This approach enables students to attain technician-level competence within the first year and to design or create solutions for complex technology engineering problems in the second year. By the time they reach their final year, graduates are able to apply advanced knowledge to design, develop, manage, and effectively communicate technology and engineering solutions in their chosen areas of specialization.

Undergraduate Programs

The department offers five undergraduate programs in Computer Science, Data Science, Information Technology, Electronics & Communication. We also offer a diploma in Information Technology. All our programs are accredited by NCHE (Please use the left & right arrows to scroll through all the available programs)

Postgraduate Programs

Our graduate programs are designed to provide flexible online/blended course study options for working professionals, enabling them to specialize and master in chosen fields. This helps them become leaders in their workplace and be successful in a competitive industry. Our High-Performance Computing Research Labs, located in Kampala and Mukono, provide a peaceful and conducive environment for postgraduate work. (Use << >>  arrows to navigate the programs)

New Programs (Currently at NCHE for accreditation)

We have a lot more to offer you. We are developing three new programs to meet the demand for skilled professionals in the emerging and fast-growing fields in computer science and engineering ecosystem. (Use << >>  arrows to navigate the programs)