Prospective Postgraduate Students
The Department of Computing and Technology under the Faculty of Engineering, Design and Technology offers postgraduate training to local and international students in the following disciplines;
- Data Science & Analytics
- Informatics
Postgraduate Degree Programmes Offered
With the following Postgraduate Diplomas available
Language Policy
All our postgraduate degrees are offered fully in English.
Masters and Doctoral (Research)
Our department offers the following postgraduate research degrees:
- Coming soon
Admission Requirements
coming soon.
The research activities in our department are led by individual supervisors. For any student to be considered for postgraduate studies, you first need to find a supervisor that is willing to take you on. Students without a prospective supervisor will not be considered. If you meet the above admission requirements, you therefore first have to find a prospective supervisor before applying. You can look through our research activity and staff pages and reach out to individual supervisors to hear if they would be willing to supervise you.
Note that supervisors are limited by whether they have bandwidth to supervise students and by whether your research interests synchronize with their fields of expertise. Supervisors get a lot of student queries, so do your homework beforehand: it goes a long way if the student has done a bit of background investigation on a prospective supervisor before contacting them.
Once you have found a prospective supervisor, they guide you through the application steps given below, while adhering to the application deadlines.
Application Steps
- The candidate finds a prospective supervisor who is willing to supervise them
- The candidate and supervisor complete and sign the departmental form
- All candidates must submit a formal application to the university via the UCU-Application online platform.
- Notify your supervisor via email once your application has been submitted, giving them your Student Application ID.
- Upon receipt of the Application ID, the Postgraduate Administrator informs the University.
- A selection process takes place and candidates are notified of their application outcomes via official communication issued by the Registrar’s Responsibility Centre.
If you are accepted, you will have to register as a student at the university at the start of each year. New students will have to register in person at the office of the Faculty Secretary after receiving acceptance notification by letter and/or e-mail. You will need to present your original degree certificate(s). Current students should register at the start of each year, either online or in person at the office of the Faculty Secretary.
Masters (Structured)
Our department offers a structured Masters degree that consists of coursework and a major research assignment. Prospective students may choose between two fields of specialization:
Admission Requirements
coming soon.
Since limited capacity exists for study leading for the research assignment, only a limited number of students will be accepted. The selection process will take place shortly after the application deadline and students will be duly notified whether their applications were successful.
Application Steps
- All candidates must submit a formal application to the university via the UCU-Application online platform.
- A selection process takes place and candidates are notified of their application outcomes via official communication issued by the Registrar’s Responsibility Centre.
If you are accepted, you will have to register as a student at the university at the start of each year. New students will have to register in person at the office of the Faculty Secretary after receiving acceptance notification by letter and/or e-mail. You will need to present your original degree certificate(s). Current students should register at the start of each year, either online or in person at the office of the Faculty Secretary.
Postgraduate Diploma
Our department offers a Postgraduate Diplomas that consists of coursework:
Admission Requirements
coming soon.
Since Prospective students that adhere to the admission requirements above may follow the steps below to apply.
Application Steps
- All candidates must submit a formal application to the university via the UCU-Application online platform.
- A selection process takes place and candidates are notified of their application outcomes via official communication issued by the Registrar’s Responsibility Centre.
If you are accepted, you will have to register as a student at the university at the start of each year. New students will have to register in person at the office of the Faculty Secretary after receiving acceptance notification by letter and/or e-mail. You will need to present your original degree certificate(s). Current students should register at the start of each year, either online or in person at the office of the Faculty Secretary.
Why join us
“Embark on a journey of innovation and limitless possibilities! Join us at the Department of Computing and Technology, where cutting-edge technology meets boundless creativity.
As prospective graduates, you’ll delve into the forefront of digital evolution, shaping the future with your expertise. Experience a vibrant community of thinkers, creators, and visionaries, where collaboration fuels breakthroughs and aspirations soar.
Seize the opportunity to amplify your skills, forge lifelong connections, and leave an indelible mark on the world. Join our ranks, where every line of code is a step toward shaping tomorrow’s digital landscape.
Dare to dream, dare to innovate – join us today!”
Contact admin
Please use the form in the bottom section of this page to send us a custom message. We look forward to respond to you as soon as possible.
You can also In case of any questions about applications for our department programmes, email us or WhatsApp us: +256(0)708114300 or call us: +256(0)312350868.
Thank you.
Download Department Postgraduate Brochure
Have a Question?
We are here to help you 7 days a week and respond within 24 hours. Plus, you can find most answers to your questions right on this page.
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Be part of the great Technological Revolution (Join a club)
Join the vibrant community of tech professionals with similar thoughts and innovative ideas. Computing and Technology students are mentored to take on leadership roles in various fields of interest through student-led chapters and associations. In addition, students are supported to contribute to the community through community projects and fieldwork activities.
Participants learn coding, programming, & robot building through project-based challenges.
Data connects our world… but without analysis, it’s just a text message, a sales figure.
An interactive experience that combines the real world and computer-generated environment achieved through digital visual elements, sounds etc.
A university-based community group for students interested in Google developer technologies.
The Computing Sciences and Engineering Student’s Association (CSEA) is the student organization within the Department of Computing and Technology that unites technology enthusiasts, professionals, students, and alumni. It consists of various discipline-specific chapters and clubs.

The Code Buddy program is a peer-mentorship program designed to support new students.
USeC orgnises and hosts contests with a variety of categories, spanning from cryptography to social engineering.
Brings together hobbyists and innovators to share, learn, and work on computer graphics and innovation projects.
Participants learn coding, programming, & software building through project-based challenges.
Bridging the gender gap and eliminating the stigma associated with coding by bringing together programming enthusiasts.
Next Semester start
Quick Contacts
Main campus
Department staff room